“I feel like I’m drinking from a firehose” was the response of a doctor learning the Thai language. He couldn’t remember anything he’d been taught that week. Language learning should be fun in order to de-stress the process. That is our goal, that is what we train our teachers to do – teach English in a way that makes learning fun.

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This course provides training on how to teach English as a platform for ministry.  We offer this at an accessible price. 80% or more of those serving overseas ministry end up teaching English when they had no intentions to do so, and no training whatsoever. This course covers the basics of preparing an excellent lesson for the needs of your particular learners. It is full of training videos and examples, as well as group work to enhance learning. All learning modules are done on your own time schedule except for a 2-hour Zoom meeting with the class each week. Our training staff serves under several different organizations, although we don’t list these for security reasons. English Teacher Training Part 1 is prerequisite to Part 2 which is the certification portion

Outline of the course.

Week 1 – Introduction to TESOL and Writing Objectives

     What is TESOL and how can it help enhance my ministry? 

     How to write lesson objectives that can be accomplished in a 1 hour lesson, so your students go home knowing what you taught them. 

Week 2 – Lesson Planning

     Should I use the rag bag approach, or the  linear approach? What kind of lesson plan should I use to teach English, and how do I do that well? 

Week 3 – Teaching Speaking and Writing

     There are 4 components to language: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening. We use all of them all the time. This week focuses on teaching Speaking (which is the main focus of our training), and writing.

Week 4 – Teaching Grammar

     Since many of us don’t like English grammar, we often don’t want to teach grammar to our students. This week we’ll teach you how to teach grammar points without teaching grammar. 

Week 5 – Teaching Reading

     Eventually we all learn to read. We didn’t start reading when we first learned the English language, but eventually it’s essential for functioning in society. How do we teach reading to English language learners?

Week 6 – Teaching Pronunciation

     We’ve  all heard English pronounced poorly by new speakers of the English language. This week works through creative ways to teach phonology and individual sounds of the English language in interesting and fun ways.

Week 7 – Teaching Listening and Multiple Intelligences

     Listening can be a weak skill even for first language speakers! Teaching listening in effective ways helps the learners hear better in order to understand and pronounce the language better. 

     Awareness of Multiple Intelligences in the classroom has been an enhancement to providing better learning experiences across all subjects in schools. Learning a new language is no exception. Being able to learn in your strengths helps you learn faster. This week we’ll explore these intelligences and how to use them in your lessons.

Week 8 – Using TESOL in Ministry

     And once you know how to teach English how do you incorporate valuable Bible lessons and stories into your teaching ministry? This is the focus of this week. 



Additional information
Approximate Time Commitment

40 hours



8 Weeks


March 15 – May 7, 2021

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