“Now that I’ve completed Part 1 I will send my friends and colleagues to take this course. I never realized how much I needed to learn to teach English well! This course is VERY well done.”

Pick a date and number of people you are registering, then click "ADD TO CART" to register.



TESOL Part 2 is a continuation of Part 1 in learning how to teach English. Part 2 is the completion of the certificate including in-class teaching and an out-of-class teaching practicum of 10 hours. Together with group interaction, online modules, reading and other homework assignments, this class prepares the student for real life English teaching. All learning modules are done on your own time schedule except for a 2-hour Zoom meeting with the class each week.


Outline of the course:

Week 1

  • Practice Teaching – Topic
  • Realia
  • Grammar – Parts of Speech
  • Linguistics

Week 2

  • Grammar – Present Tense
  • Creative Grouping
  • Internet Resources
  • Learning Theories / Methods
  • Teaching Testing

Week 3

  • Practice Teaching from Course Textbook
  • Pronunciation – Consonants
  • Classroom Management
  • Cultural Considerations

Week 4

  •  Pronunciation – Vowels, Suprasegmentals, IPA
  • LAATs – Bloom’s Taxonomy
  • Grammar – Past Tense

Week 5

  • Practice Teaching – Curriculum Adaptation
  • Assessment and Placement
  • Tongue Twisters

Week 6

  • Grammar – Active/Passive Voice
  • Music in TESOL
  • L2 Classroom Research
  • Meyer’s Briggs / Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Week 7

  • Jazz Chants
  • Using Multimedia
  • Board Games in TESOL
  • Needs Analysis
  • Practicum Syllabus Design

Week 8

  • Chinese University Lesson Plan Adaptation
  • Materials Evaluation
  • Overall Reflection and Discussion Questions

20 Hour Practicum (10 hours teaching, 10 hours observation)

Additional information
Approximate Time Commitment

80 Hours



8 Weeks


March 15 – May 7, 2021

Pick a date and number of people you are registering, then click "ADD TO CART" to register.