This course is focused on equipping the team leader with the tools to serve more effectively as a supervisor or manager of people. One of the most difficult transitions most mission leaders face is moving from being a peer and co-worker to being a boss to one’s co-workers. This course will look at the concept of steward leadership, and different aspects and skills needed in providing oversight, including setting clear expectations, providing regular accountability, offering feedback and promoting the growth of the people on one’s team. Those who have previously completed the “Team Leader Orientation” course will find the concepts and exercises in this course easier to understand and apply, but “Team Leader Orientation” is not a prerequisite for those who already have significant experience in team leadership. What is a requirement to enroll in this course is that one is already serving in a team leadership role.

To participate in this course, you must be approved through an application process.  If you are interested, please click “Apply now.”

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To register for this course, ask your course coordinator for a special registration link.
If you are interested in this course, please submit an application.



Course Creator Information

This course was written by Ken Guenther. Ken has served in three countries with SEND – the Philippines, Russia, and Ukraine. We have been involved in church planting, training church leaders, and field leadership. He is currently based in Canada after living cross-culturally for more than 30 years. Ken leads the International Office Services (departments) and heads up SEND U, the training arm of SEND focused on developing its missionaries and mission leaders throughout the world. Much of his coaching and training is done online, but he also travels a lot. Ken is passionate about mentoring and coaching younger missionaries and SEND leaders. Over the years in both the Philippines and in Russia, he has frequently taught courses or seminars on leadership to church leaders and aspiring church leaders.

Course Description

This is the second online course that Ken has developed for mission team leaders.  The first one was entitled “SEND Team Leader Orientation”, and focused on the role, character, job description and ongoing growth of the team leader.   It has been offered several times since 2010 and dozens of SEND leaders, as well as leaders from other missions, have completed the course.

This course is focused on the team leader as a supervisor or manager of people. One of the most difficult transitions most mission leaders face is moving from being a peer and co-worker to being a boss to one’s co-workers. The training at the SEND 2014 Directors’ Council explored what it means to be a supervisor based on Bruce Tulgan’s video, “It’s OK to be the Boss”. Many of the concepts from that training have found their way into this second online course.

Outline of course
  1. Week 1 – Serving as a Steward. What does it mean to be a supervisor?
  2. Week 2 – Clarifying Expectations. How do I help each team member figure out what they are to be doing?
  3. Week 3 – Connecting Regularly. How do I provide regular assistance and accountability to my team members?
  4. Week 4 – Providing Feedback. What do I do when a team member is not meeting expectations?
  5. Week 5 – Promoting Growth. How can I help my team members develop?


Course Mechanics

The key to successful learning in this course is interaction. This takes place both between the facilitator and each participant and among the participants. It is vital that each participant is faithful to post responses on time and reply to the posts of other participants.

You should plan to participate in the course several times each week, on at least every second day. We want you to engage with each other as well as with the subject matter. Don’t be afraid to articulate your unique ideas, think critically, or ask challenging questions of others in a godly manner. Of course, your words of encouragement to fellow participants are always welcome.

You will not receive a grade or mark from your facilitator. Your success in learning will be measured more by the impact of the lessons learned and tools adopted on your future leadership of your team.

The course is estimated to require about five to six hours a week of work. All the material is presented online and will be a mix of text, audio, and video.  The course is designed to be very practical, and the assignments are focused on real leadership issues and creating plans to address those issues.   Please work through the assignments and forums in the order that they are listed, from top to bottom in each week.

This is an asynchronous course, so there are no specific times you need to be online. Participants will be in several different time zones around the world, so there is no one set time when everyone is online at the same time. The assignments have due dates, and within the boundaries of those due dates, you are free to complete those assignments according to your schedule (i.e., you can do them at night, in the morning, at lunch, etc.). Please note that all references to due dates and times refer to Eastern Time, USA (New York).

Additional information
Approximate Time Commitment

30 hours



5 weeks


To be determined depending on interest

Team Leader as Supervisor
$95.00 Select options