This online training course explores what it means to be an effective team leader in a mission organization. When this course as a whole is concluded, you will better understand your role and responsibilities as a team leader. You will also gain some direction and a plan for how to develop your capacity and skills as a team leader.

Qualifications for enrollment: Must serve in a supervisory role in a cross-cultural mission organization. Although the course was designed for team leaders of SEND International, mission leaders at other levels of authority (area directors, ministry directors, department heads) will also be able to benefit from this course. A limited number of mission leaders from outside of SEND will be allowed to enroll. Because of the highly practical nature of the assignments, the course will not be meaningful and the requirements will simply be frustrating for those who are not providing direct supervision for other missionaries or staff.

A limited number of mission leaders from outside of SEND will be allowed to enroll.

To participate in this course, you must be approved through an application process.  If you are interested, please click “Apply now.”

Apply now

To register for this course, ask your course coordinator for a special registration link.
If you are interested in this course, please submit an application.



This course was written by Ken Guenther. Ken has served in three countries with SEND – the Philippines, Russia, and Ukraine. We have been involved in church planting, training church leaders, and field leadership. He is currently based in Canada after living cross-culturally for more than 30 years. Ken leads the International Office Services (departments) and heads up SEND U, the training arm of SEND focused on developing its missionaries and mission leaders throughout the world. Much of his coaching and training is done online, but he also travels a lot. Ken is passionate about mentoring and coaching younger missionaries and SEND leaders. Over the years in both the Philippines and in Russia, he has frequently taught courses or seminars on leadership to church leaders and aspiring church leaders.

Mission team leaders serve in a difficult role in that they can neither devote themselves exclusively to their leadership responsibilities nor can they become totally absorbed in the ministry to the “nationals.” They must live in this ongoing tension of being both a leader to other missionaries and a missionary, involved in and setting the pace for the ministry of the team. Over the years, SEND International has recognized the strategic importance of this level of leadership for both the accomplishment of SEND’s vision and the retention and development of our missionary personnel. But, unfortunately, we have also recognized that we have given very little training to this level of leadership, as important as it is. This course seeks to give an introductory orientation to team leaders to enable them to understand their new role and give them some tools for ongoing development of their leadership skills.

Outline of course and learning outcomes for each unit:

Unit 1: The Role of a Team Leader
Learning Outcomes – As a result of your work this week you will:
* Identify your essential areas of responsibility as a team leader
* Evaluate your own use of time as to how well you are focusing on the essential tasks of leadership
* Better communicate with your team members regarding reports, ministry goals and feedback

Unit 2: The SEND Team Leader Profile
Learning Outcomes – As a result of your work this week you will:
* Use the SEND Team Leader Profile to describe the character qualities and skills of an ideal team leader
* Identify your personal strengths and the areas needing growth in relationship to this profile
* Explain to your team and others how the skills, priorities and values of a team leader need to differ from those of an effective team member (missionary)

Unit 3: The Team Leader’s Job Description
Learning Outcomes – As a result of your work during these 2 weeks you will:
* Show your revised job description to your supervisor and team members and elicit helpful feedback
* Evaluate your effectiveness as a team leader on the basis of desired outcomes rather than just looking at your activities
* Help your team members develop job descriptions for themselves

Unit 4: The Team Leader’s Plan for Growth
Learning Outcomes – As a result of your work this week you will:
* Use the SEND U wiki to find resources to help you develop in your leadership
* Explain what coaching is to someone else on your team
* Develop an individual growth plan to help you strengthen your leadership

Additional information
Approximate Time Commitment

30 hours



5 weeks


To be determined depending on interest

Missionary Team Leader, Missionary, culture shock, helping, climbing
Team Leader Orientation
$95.00 Select options