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Many missionaries abandon their call too soon!
Timely, quality training significantly contributes to missionary longevity.

Grow2Serve has spent a dozen years figuring this out.

Missionaries want to learn, but without community, encouragement and accountability it just doesn’t happen. You know what your missionaries need, we know how to get it delivered all over the world.

Dan Sered

Chief Operating Officer

Jews for Jesus​

Grow2Serve kept our global missionary training program relevant, allowing us to provide excellent training remotely. ​
I highly recommend Grow2Serve!

Paul Davis



The Morgensterns each have a surprising depth of experience and expertise. We have asked them to help us tackle several difficult and intricate projects. Not only are they a joy to work with, their skill and discipline to the task make them incredibly valuable.

Grant Haynes


Global Frontier Missions​

It was great to partner with Grow2Serve as they helped us develop an online collaborative module and walked with us to get some kinks ironed out in ​our online training.

Ken Benson


Mission Prep

The team at G2S gave us courage and confidence to implement an online MissionPREP training program by sharing their expertise and going the second mile to see us through successfully.

Ken Guenther

Director​ of International Services


Grow2Serve has proven to be a reliable and helpful partner for more than a decade in providing online training for SEND missionaries around the globe.

Joi Ehmann

Director​ of Global Training

World Team

For over 10 years, Grow2Serve’s interactive platform has allowed us to equip our members around the globe to more effectively establish communities of believers among the lost.

The Grow2Serve Advantage


connect your learning to your ministry location


encouragement and accountability from fellow missionaries



The path to providing great learning to your field staff is not long or hard…

Meet with us over the phone or Zoom and learn how we can serve you best.

You plan your strategy and design your course. We’ll construct your personalized online learning site.

Launch your course and watch your missionaries grow in their ministry abilities!

Do you play a role in training in your organization?

Contact us and ask to try out a free online course.