The Grow2Serve Blog will be re-activating fall 2024 with new posts regularly added. Please enjoy our older posts, and if you’d like to subscribe for email notifications of new blog posts, please complete the subscription form on this page.

- Grow2Serve team

Adapt or Die Series

Part 3:  The Modern Takeaway “What’s true of nations is often true of organizations and [...]

Adapt or Die Series

Part 2: Growing Your Way It’s decided, no more old habits or methods. You keep [...]

Adapt or Die Series

Part 1: Danger of Stagnation Have you ever heard the phrase “adapt or die.” For [...]

Do it now, while you learn. Don’t wait till next week!

After several months of cleaning and polishing, we’re about to relaunch a new and improved [...]

Bringing Meaningful Moments to Missionaries

After 2 years in her job as an occupational nurse in Santa Barbara, Katie was [...]

Can I stop asking “what’s wrong”?

During the CIT Next online course “Sustainable Resilience”, we spend some significant time talking about [...]


The Disciple-growth Opportunities Presented to Us by Change

Change – on some level we all have a love/hate relationship with change.  Our optimism [...]

Building Bridges with English

Where I live many people believe that if you can speak English you can teach [...]

Meet Daniel

Hi all, I’m Daniel Morgenstern, one of the Blog writers here at Grow2Serve and let [...]

New Partners, New Projects!

Recently we’ve been actively engaging with 4 new organizational partners.   We’re working with each of [...]

Collaborating is a Lot of Fun

The last 9 months have given Grow2Serve some exciting opportunities for collaboration with several new [...]

Why I Love Having People Take My Job

An unfortunate consequence of this year’s worldwide health crisis has been economic ripples that have [...]