The Grow2Serve Blog will be re-activating fall 2024 with new posts regularly added. Please enjoy our older posts, and if you’d like to subscribe for email notifications of new blog posts, please complete the subscription form on this page.

- Grow2Serve team


Worldwide has become the reality of missions today. Spread out across the continents, missionaries often [...]


Fruit, fruitful, and fruitfulness

Fruit, fruitful, and fruitfulness. These words are familiar to Christian communities and in the Christian [...]

Knowledge, Beliefs, Skills

If you could use only three words to guide you in conceptualizing the process of developing the [...]

The Impact of Equipping: Fruitful, Limited, Dangerous, or Irrelevant?

As Christians, what would be the implications of having low levels of character, but high [...]

What do you mean by… transformative learning?

We have shared with you way more than you’d probably ever want to know about [...]

Meet Mark

I’m Mark Morgenstern, the senior director for Grow2Serve and I’d like to share with you [...]

Missionaries and Ministers

Is every Christian a missionary? This question seems to cause some discomfort and disunity in [...]

Feels like Christmas – Launch Day for

Welcome to the brand new Great Commission Learning Network website.  Today, our launch day for this [...]