The Grow2Serve Blog will be re-activating fall 2024 with new posts regularly added. Please enjoy our older posts, and if you’d like to subscribe for email notifications of new blog posts, please complete the subscription form on this page.

- Grow2Serve team

A Force for Change

For a while now, I’ve been thinking about how best to express to those who [...]

The Network

A few weeks ago, I posted a blog explaining one of the primary reasons for [...]

Learning in Community

Most people don’t spend time learning something simply just to know new information. More commonly [...]

Entrusted by God

Since our beginnings, we at Grow2Serve have understood our ministry as a kind of trust. [...]

Partner Highlight- CIT

Grow2Serve joyfully partners with over 30 missions organizations who share missionary learning resources or develop [...]

Three Reasons (for Grow2Serve’s Network Site)

It was an exhilarating time when we first launched the Great Commission Learning Network website [...]

Our History

Grow2Serve has had a long, rich history of development from its origins with ReachGlobal to [...]

Meet Julie

Hello! My name is Julie Morgenstern. I am a very expressive, out-going person that utilizes [...]

The Glory of God

If you browse through enough church, mission, or Christian nonprofit websites today, you might notice [...]

Partner Highlight- SEND International

Grow2Serve joyfully partners with over 30 mission organizations who share missionary learning resources on our [...]

Just in Time. Just in Case.

There are two main types of learning that take place in our lives today. There’s [...]


Searching for the Right Stuff

The majority of a person’s learning happens on an immediate basis. In our day-to-day life, [...]